You have philanthropic goals.
We have giving solutions.
Specialists in Charitable Remainder Trusts and charitable tax planning
Maybe you see a need in the world. Maybe you’re looking to sell stock, real estate, or a business that has greatly appreciated. Or maybe you feel you aren’t getting all the tax savings you should out of your giving.
We can help. Here’s how:
Optimize your tax savings.
Why do you give?
What assets should you give?
When should you give?
How should you give?
Much can be done to structure your charitable giving to get more tax savings from the good you create. We work with our clients to first find out why they give, then determine the best mix of what, when, and how to structure their giving so they achieve their philanthropic goals. From leveraging tools to get more tax savings from basic cash giving to designing and funding a charitable trust based on your unique situation and goals, we can help you along the way.

“We make a living by what we get;
we make a life by what we give.”
— Winston Churchill